Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 17: SAT: new things in rome

Saturday was a chiller day. I got up and grabbed Cassidy. I wanted to go get some pizza so she came with me. We went to the 4E place and got some 'zza (i'm busy- I can't type the WHOLE word). On the way there we ran into Blake who said he was going to the Ara Pacis museum- the new building on the Tiber River designed by Richard Meier. We walked there along the river. The water was finally low enough to go down there. It's so quiet there. I found half of a CD player- just the lid that washed up from the river. All that time in the river had made it look really old and worn- like a relic or something ancient. I felt so old, imagining myself trying to explain to my children what a CD player was for. I could hear it now: "You could only put how many songs on it?" We finally made it to the museum as the sun was setting. Using the rough side of travertine on the wall and exterior was a really interesting take on a common material in Rome. The wall also has a fountain on the other side that runs along the street and down the steps. It blocks out a lot of noise from the nearby traffic. We didn't actually go see any exhibits, but we did go in the giftshop- I bought a postcard. After that we strolled about the city- they had an icerink nearby. It was a nice afternoon /evening. That night for dinner we had American night! We made cheesburgers, mashed potatoes, green beans, and drank beer (we even found some Budweiser). I brought a peach pie. I didn't realize that I missed burgers that much. I ate a whole box of olives that night. After dinner we went for a bit on the town and just sort of wandered around Trastevere without ever going into bars. Well we went into a sports bar for a bit, but then we left- the prices were too high. In the end we just decided to go home early and wake up for the flea market on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I love that cd player cover - looks so archaic yet it was only like a couple years ago i would carry that thing everywhere with me in the city
